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- 采用便利包装,包装内用量已预先测量
- 气味清新
- 强力去污配方
- 温和洗净所有可机洗的衣物
- 一袋可以清洗多达24次
- 适用于所有水温
- 适用于高效(HE)和普通洗衣机,包括上开式和前开式洗衣机
- 不含:磷酸盐、硫酸盐、甲醛、二乙醇胺、十二烷基硫酸钠、荧光增白剂
- 无毒
- 无人造染料
- 未经动物试验
- 易洁包表面包覆苦味剂,并置于具有防止儿童开启的包装袋内
Shopping Annuity Snap洗衣易洁包提供卓越的清洁能力,消除顽渍同时,让衣物颜色更亮丽。高度浓缩的Shopping Annuity Snap洗衣易洁包,一组可供洗衣多达24次,并让衣物留下清新干净的香味。
采用用量经预先测量的创新包装和先进的配方让洗衣变得轻而易举 — 避免倾倒、混和或溅洒的麻烦。只需将一包放入滚筒中,放进您的衣物然后启动洗衣机!少量或中量衣物,只需要使用一包。大量或超大量衣物,请使用二包。
我们的洗洁剂不仅能够强力洗涤污渍,亦无磷酸盐、无毒,并且采用可回收的塑料包装,对环境更友善。Shopping Annuity Snap洗衣易洁包适用于所有水温,适用于普通和高效洗衣机。
使用Shopping Annuity Snap洗衣易洁包,让您的衣物气味清新、洁净如新!
4.7 星级评等(满分为5星)。
(26 评论)
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味道很清香,拿捏不好洗衣精 可以使用這罐!
客户服务部回复 日期 18/5/2022
親愛的 優惠顧客 您好 :
感謝您撥冗留下對 美安威淨™洗衣易潔包 的看法。我們很高興聽到您對該產品感到滿意。
作者 TerriH
日期 2/6/2021
Make my clothes feel and smell great
客户服务部回复 日期 2/6/2021
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Snap™ Essentials Laundry Packs! We are happy to hear you are pleased with the product.
Thank you again!
The Product Information Team
Best laundry pack
作者 PaulineB
日期 11/5/2021
I have tried many laundry pack. This beats the cold power from Australia
客户服务部回复 日期 11/5/2021
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts on the Snap® Essentials Laundry Packs! We are happy to hear you are pleased with the product.
Thank you again!
Market Singapore Product Team
Love this
日期 14/4/2021
It makes my clothes smell so fresh!
客户服务部回复 日期 14/4/2021
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Snap™ Essentials Laundry Packs ! We are happy to hear you are pleased with the product!
Thank you again!
The Product Information Team
love the smell
作者 JenniferT
日期 10/11/2020
I never used scented laundry soap before, but per the request of my family, I gave this a try. Our clothes smell good and come out clean!
客户服务部回复 日期 10/11/2020
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Snap™ Essentials Laundry Packs! We are happy to hear you are pleased with the product.
Thank you again!
The Product Information Team
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