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- 可供营业用途的高浓缩、多功能清洁剂
- 是蒸气清洁地毯、去除油渍和锈斑的理想清洁用品
- 清洗窗户、纱窗、瓷砖及瓷砖缝、Formica®塑胶贴面和油漆过的表面效果奇佳
- 清洁烤肉架、炉台、烤箱和锅具的效果绝佳
- 不会损害排污系统
Shopping Annuity Snap强效清洁剂最初是为工业用途所设计,不但使您的日常清洁工作轻松省时,更是家中去除顽强污垢的清洁好帮手。一瓶Shopping Annuity Snap强效清洁剂可以取代12瓶市面上其他品牌的去污清洁剂。Shopping Annuity Snap强效清洁剂经济实惠的高度浓缩配方,具有商业等级的多功能清洁用途。是蒸气清洁地毯、去除油渍和锈斑的理想清洁用品。Shopping Annuity Snap强效清洁剂可用来清洗窗户、纱窗、瓷砖及瓷砖缝、Formica®塑胶贴面和油漆过的表面。用它来清洁烤肉架、炉台、烤箱和锅具也有绝佳效果。Shopping Annuity Snap强效清洁剂中的一种特殊清洁成分能将脏污和油渍悬浮在水分子中,让您可以轻松地将它们冲洗掉。使用Shopping Annuity Snap强效清洁剂,居家清洁轻松又安心!
Shopping Annuity Snap强效清洁剂适用于什么地方?
Shopping Annuity Snap强效清洁剂的配方适合以下多种用途。
- 清洗烤架、炉台、烤箱与锅具
- 去除地毯上的油渍和锈斑
- 蒸气清洁地毯
- 蒸气清洁墙面和木制品
- 窗户和纱窗
- 浴厕瓷砖、瓷砖缝和Formica®塑胶贴面
- 预洗衣物
- 去除斑点、污渍
- 塑胶(乙烯)、皮革和轮胎
- 除蜡
- 去除黏胶
- 户外塑胶家具
- 去除车道和车库地面上的油渍和污垢
- 可用于高压清洗机中,清洗遮阳篷、外墙板和阳台
- 引擎
Shopping Annuity Snap强效清洁剂的稀释比例是多少?
Shopping Annuity Snap强效清洁剂的稀释比例因用途而异,详细稀释比例请参照产品标签。
- 去除地毯上的污渍、油脂和锈斑:将1份HDC与10份水混合。
- 清洁塑胶、皮革及白色胎边胶:将1份HDC与10份水混合。
- 清洁窗户和纱窗:将1份HDC与10份水混合。
- 清洁卫浴瓷砖和Formica®塑胶贴面:将1份HDC与31份水混合。
- 清洁有涂层的表面:将1份HDC与10份水混合。
- 蒸气清洁墙面和木制品:将1份HDC与100份水混合。
- 蒸气清洁地毯:将1份HDC与40份水混合。
- 清洗烤架、烤箱与锅具:将1份HDC与5份水混合。
- 脱蜡:将1份HDC与5份水混合。
- 传送设备和机械车间地板:将1份HDC与3份水混合。
- 清洁烤炉:将1份HDC与5份水混合。
- 预洗衣物:将1份HDC与10份水混合。
- 极脏的家务活:无需稀释。
5.0 星级评等(满分为5星)。
(5 评论)
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It is the most effective, safest, and most environmentally friendly heavy oil cleaner I have ever used.
客户服务部回复 日期 16/10/2024
Thank you for your fantastic review of the Shopping Annuity Brand SNAP™ Heavy Duty Concentrate! We're thrilled to hear it's the most effective and environmentally friendly cleaner you've used. Your satisfaction and feedback mean a lot to us. Thank you for choosing our product!
Great for General Purpose Cleaning
作者 Lee
日期 28/9/2024
Been using this Snap Heavy Duty cleaning product for quite a while now. Love the cleansing part, the floor felt clean after use.
Snap Heavy Duty Concentrate
作者 匿名
日期 14/2/2023
I have a professional cleaning business. I have tried other products to continue my search for the best cleaning products. I came back to Snap when I found part of an older bottle. It seems to work better than what I was using and I'm happy to be back with shop.com.
客户服务部回复 日期 14/2/2023
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Shopping Annuity Brand SNAP™ Heavy Duty Concentrate! We are so happy to hear you are pleased with the product!
Thank you again!
The Product Information Team
Clean quicker, easier & better!
作者 LUM
日期 12/1/2023
Cleaning the netted cover of the stove is probably the toughest. My dad used to use half a day to clean them.
Finally tried this Snap Heavy Duty, it has been such a wonderful cleaning solution for stubborn oil stain. This time it took us less than 1 hours to get them clean.
Quicker, better and cleaner!
(without the heavy chemicals smells is definitely a plus point!)
客户服务部回复 日期 19/1/2023
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts on Shopping Annuity Brand SNAP® Heavy Duty Concentrate. We are happy to hear you are pleased with the product.
Thank you again!
Market Singapore Product Team
Snap Heavy Duty - Great Product
作者 匿名
日期 21/8/2022
there was a stubborn stain on my son's favorite sweater. Someone suggested pre-treating it with Snap Heavy Duty cleaner. It worked! Ever since that, I add it to the wash cycle when I wash his heavily soiled clothes and they come out clean with no pre-treating.
客户服务部回复 日期 22/8/2022
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Snap™ Heavy Duty Concentrate! We are so happy to hear you are pleased with the product!
Thank you again!
The Product Information Team
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